Monday, February 25, 2008


Put your ego in your pocket and walk away..just walk away.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


i don't want to look at your hair.
i don't want to look at your shoes.

fuck this dude.

oh and keep the glasses on you creepy fuck.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I think you are underestimating the power of jean claude van damme to make a movie great. Have a looksee at this wonderful and inspirational speech and decide for yourself....

I have goosebumps.

here's one that I think is probably a must see... but i haven't managed to see it yet...

yes that is rob schneider beneath jean claude on the cover.

and my final argument.


Speaking of women notorious for having a fat ass:

Professional attention whore/ poseur musician, Jennifer Lopez, has seen to it that she have her own private room prepared in the hospital where she'll be delivering her baby. That is, there is a room in a hospital that has been closed of to other patients and is in disuse until this obnoxious cunt of a woman squirts out what has to be the most unlucky offspring since Joan Crawford's children were born. Bear in mind she is not yet even in he final stages of her pregnancy. So this hospital room is just sitting there getting decorated, just so J-Lo won't have to slum it in a 'normal' person's hospital bed while she has her kid.

I know this shit is kinda tacky to be bitching about, but I don't understand why people are still willing to bend over backwards for this bitch while she shits all over them and seriously fucks over other patients. Since when did people give such a shit about a former Fly Girl that has gone on to pretty much fail at acting and singing. Exactly what has this woman even done in the past four years that even qualifies her as an A list celebrity?

I can't wait for her slooow train wreck of a career to finally come off the tracks. The sooner it happens, the sooner we can finally see her where her talents really belonged: in porn.

Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li

It looks like people don't really learn from the past.

Monday, February 18, 2008

hip hop aint dead

alive and well son

nicolas cage revenge of the clones

k I win! I found the worst thing on the internet!!! challenge me.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Revenge of the Dead Horse.

Please stop. Please stop raping my childhood. And please stop pissing all over the work of people who have taken this shit you've been churning out, and tried to make it palpable and entertaining again. You can Tartakovsky but keep his art direction, and retread what he did, but in 3D. Fucking shameless.

I'm actually anticipating the day you die so we won't have to bear you fucking up your past masterpieces by association with the crass bullshit you've been creating since the nineties.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Not today...

Terabyte isn't working. Fix it and post less unfunny shit.


...single serving milk cartons in the city of new york.
ive been searching for single serving cartons of milk/chocolate milk since last summer now and no success.
so what the hell? a guy can buy a snack size package of oreos but has to drown himself in 1/2 a gallon of milk to enjoy it?
now im sure people are like "well you buy the 1/2 gallon or whatever and you put it in your fridge for later dumbass", but fuck that. sometimes im just not home. sometimes i dont feel like drinking milk. next thing i know i buy some cookies, go to the fridge, and ive got a carton of cottage cheese.
thats why im looking for the little cartons.
and why doesnt new york have its official/unofficial milk dealer? cleveland has dairymans, new england has hood, and new york just has bullshit.
bullshit brand milk.


He slaughtered the classic Wim Wenders film "Wings of Desire" with City of Angels (seriously... MEG RYAN? why would you even sign onto a film with her as the actress?)

Windtalkers? Jeezus, you'd have better luck hitting yourself in the face with a shovel.

Fire Birds... why bother?

National Treasure.. 1 and 2. why.. oh WHY?

I'm willing to say one thing good.
I loved him in Raising Arizona... but that was TWENTY YEARS AGO.

nicholas cage, the rebuttal.

but he did give us this:

Sunday, February 10, 2008

while we're on celebrities


Thank you... that is all.

Easy Cheese

Anybody who thought this would be delicious is an ass hole.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

More Douchebaggery 2008.

Another top nominee for Douchebag 08, Tom Jones recently insured his "famous" chest hair for just under $7 million dollars.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Are your serious? I'll give him points for wearing a rather intense moustache, but man, that's the best name he could come up with?
And did he take that picture himself, a la Myspace style photos?

And how about that featured guest, Dinero.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I don't even really know who I'm hating on but there is h8 in here.

babies are gay.

so union hall, a place that i actually enjoy, recently tried banning babies from their bar, but the shitty park slope moms who cant let go of their youth and gather together to show people that they have babies yet can still dress stylishly and drink alcohol while (not)tending to their children who are barely able to walk let alone walk around between the legs of drunk adults, over ruled it and won.
my thoughts: refer to the headline.

masters of the obvious.

so that random shaq/shawn marion trade goes down yesterday, and decides to run an article on their front page making it sound like lebron is about to be making ultimatums in order to get the cavs to make a big trade. but the article pretty much just rehashes the shit LBJ said when jason kidd/kidd's agent stated that he wanted out of new jersey for the umpteenth time, and they even end it with:

If the Cavaliers stand pat and don't make a trade, James is confident the defending Eastern Conference champs are still good enough to win it all.

i see this as yet another example of how many folks, mainly on the east coast, are convinced that lebron doesnt want to be in cleveland and how he should be playing somewhere else.
"did you know nike will pay lebron more if he lives in a big market city?"
"did you know that lebron is friends with jay-z?"
"dude he loves the yankees. hes going to new york."

eat a dick.

so thanks espn, you were really helpful in informing us that an NBA basketball player wouldnt mind it if his team traded for a quality player in order to improve the team. we really needed your help in figuring that one out.

Monday, February 4, 2008


The LAST damn thing I want to do when I go see a movie is to be reminded how backwards and idiotic the leadership of our United States have been these past 8 years.

But there it is... Before every movie I've seen I'm bombarded with this ridiculous recruitment bullshit trying to fool young men and women into believing that what they'll be doing when they join the national guard is important to the fate of our nation.
Hate to tell you kids, the only thing you'll be protecting is the interest of the wealthy if you're fighting in the current wars overseas. Sure, you'll be protecting the life of the buddy standing next to you and that brotherhood is like none other, but you should drop the guns and ask the leadership who put you in harms way why it is truly necessary for you to be standing in front of a firing squad of people who no longer want the interference of a nation who can't seem to come up with their own renewable energy solution.
Sure there's a helluva lot more to this than oil and influence in a region that needs to be monitored for nuclear weapons that could potentially threaten our continent, but after watching this bullshit... who cares?

Thanks to Three Doors Down for fueling the fires of rage driven easily controlled teens everywhere.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

weed cocoon

I really hate the propaganda behind this, but you cant deny how fucking creative this is.

Friday, February 1, 2008

I hate you too


I hate you when you fart in a crowded Muni bus and pretend it wasn't you.

I hate you when you talk loudly on your cell phone and stop paying attention to where you're going when you're driving, walking or otherwise engaged.

I hate you when you talk with your hands and smack the people around you then dismiss it out of hand.

I hate you when you park in the bike lane and expect your flashing hazard lights to justify the fact that you're running in to grab a cup of coffee at Fourbucks coffee.

I hate you when you post passive aggressive notes on your neighbor's doors because you don't have the balls to confront them.

I hate you when you leave something akin to a bucket of rotten chum evacuated from your colon in a public restroom and then leave it unflushed for all to see.

I hate it when you sneak into the crowded theatre and shoot bearded Presidents in the back of the head.

I hate it when you smell like cat urine in public.

ok fuck it... I'm going to get a hammer and beat the hell out of a comcast store then I'm going to fart and piss on a bum.