Monday, February 11, 2008


...single serving milk cartons in the city of new york.
ive been searching for single serving cartons of milk/chocolate milk since last summer now and no success.
so what the hell? a guy can buy a snack size package of oreos but has to drown himself in 1/2 a gallon of milk to enjoy it?
now im sure people are like "well you buy the 1/2 gallon or whatever and you put it in your fridge for later dumbass", but fuck that. sometimes im just not home. sometimes i dont feel like drinking milk. next thing i know i buy some cookies, go to the fridge, and ive got a carton of cottage cheese.
thats why im looking for the little cartons.
and why doesnt new york have its official/unofficial milk dealer? cleveland has dairymans, new england has hood, and new york just has bullshit.
bullshit brand milk.

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