Friday, February 1, 2008


I hate you when you fart in a crowded Muni bus and pretend it wasn't you.

I hate you when you talk loudly on your cell phone and stop paying attention to where you're going when you're driving, walking or otherwise engaged.

I hate you when you talk with your hands and smack the people around you then dismiss it out of hand.

I hate you when you park in the bike lane and expect your flashing hazard lights to justify the fact that you're running in to grab a cup of coffee at Fourbucks coffee.

I hate you when you post passive aggressive notes on your neighbor's doors because you don't have the balls to confront them.

I hate you when you leave something akin to a bucket of rotten chum evacuated from your colon in a public restroom and then leave it unflushed for all to see.

I hate it when you sneak into the crowded theatre and shoot bearded Presidents in the back of the head.

I hate it when you smell like cat urine in public.

ok fuck it... I'm going to get a hammer and beat the hell out of a comcast store then I'm going to fart and piss on a bum.

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