Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Nas is dead

Look at me. I can't be creative enough to make anything new so I'll just discredit what everyone else is doing at the moment by saying that an entire genere is dead. yay
buy my shit


JK said...

Sorry dude, I'm gonna have to side with NAS on this one. You can't hate on a hater, that's a double negative!

Hip Hop died in the late 90's. It's a different type of music today. Call it whatever you want, but it's not Hip Hop.

skep-tical said...

If hip hop is dead you can't make a goddamn hip hop album. He's hitting himself.

The evolution of something doesn't kill it, it's only changing. Better and worse.

JK said...

Let's break down what Hip Hop is. Hip Hop contains up to 5 elements. MC-ing, DJ-ing, breakdancing, graffiti, and beatboxing. If the genre in question does not contain any of these elements, it is not considered hip hop. (And no, producing doesn't cound as DJ-ing.)
There are very few artists today who attempt to maintain the tradition of Hip Hop. Though I would equate them to the performers at a renaissance fair. Historically re-enacting an era long passed.

skep-tical said...

Thanks for the history lesson. I didn't know any of that.

skep-tical said...

I'll be sure to leave the next show I go to when I don't see someone painting a piece at the venue.

buu said...

well i guess ill toss my hat into this and say that i see/saw (ha!) this more as nas trying to make a statement about the status of rap music at the time ("shake that laffy taffy") while also trying to have a somewhat bold/controversial album title to garner attention and sell more records.
like his new album called "n*gger".