Sunday, January 27, 2008

Who the fuck's gonna visit a global peace center?

-Bull shit proposition-

We are proposing that Alcatraz Island in the San Francisco bay be returned to The City and County of San francisco for the express purpose of transforming Alcatraz Island into The Global Peace Center. Currently Alcatraz is administered by the Parks Dept. and is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Dept. of the Interior...

We have now gathered the required the required 10,000 plus signatures for our Proposal to appear on the ballot in the Feb. 2008 San Francisco City elections.

Once returned to the city and county of San Francisco, we envision that this billion dollar (the cost of 3 F-22 fighter planes) project will be administered by a a public trust or foundation, which will include representatives from the environmental, Native American, and business communities , etc.

By inspiring the hearts and minds of all globally minded people to the enormous benefits of creating a Global Peace Center on Alcatraz, we are confident that we can generate the necessary investments for this project.

Not only is the concept retarded but the architecture is rubbish. I thought Buckminster Fuller was dead. Right? And since when was the pyramid actually a good idea for a building?

Yeah so, lets go ahead and spend billions of dollars to create another tourist trap when we could pass that money along to a bigger cause. I mean we only have 4 years of preparation. tick tock.

Oh and what the hell is this?
A fucking department of peace?


→ IDYLL→ → → said...

not only is it ridiculously designed, it would also offset the maintenance of construction costs of Alcatraz to the bay areas taxes rather than staying in the pocket of the Fed.

Idiotic hippies.

buu said...

future hippies.

I ain't payin fo shit said...

I can't believe this shit.
Yeah. Let's get rid of one of the coolest tourist attractions ever and turn it into some gay-ass disneyland shit. And that architecture---UGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Fuck that!!