Tuesday, June 3, 2008

NEWSFLASH: Pompous Pricks Takeover America

Watch the video and taste bile.

Wow... who knew that Douchebags were such a driving force in the economy of the United States.
And what's even worse is that everyone's favorite soft talking, self worth extolling, sweater wearing skinny kids host is to blame.

That right ... Mr F'n Rogers brought up a group of namby pamby little shits that think your desire to succeed in life is laughable.

I probably wouldn't hate what's being presented here to me as much if it weren't for the astoundingly douchey generational spokespeople they interview or finding out that 1/2 of the graduating class from college now thinks it is ok to move home to mom and dad.

And really, did you think we wouldn't laugh at your limpdick antics of having your mother phone in your job interview and tell the CEO about what a nice boy and hard worker you are?


Drakee said...

This article pretty much sums up the whole "millenial" bullshit.


Pretty much everyone I've met who is under the age of 26 is a completely spoiled bitch.

Gen X destroys these brats.

buu said...

i dont think its necessarily mr rogers, id rather blame hippies.
im a firm believer of natural selection in terms of the work place and the idea that "the cream rises to the top". "millenials" or whatever you want to call them will make themselves irrelevant and more often than not, look foolish in doing so (tinkerbell costume).

wesleyburt said...

eh? those ladies at the beginning of the video are just as bad, if not worse, than mommy's little boy at the end.
sorry youre getting fazed out lady.