Monday, March 10, 2008

Rap Music Is GHEYER than a bag of penises.


Rap music is gheyer than a bag of penises. Go get a late pass.

The above pic copped from BOSSIP.COM is for the condom promotion that Lil’ Wang is doing. Just when I think he has found the lowest level of jailhouse homoerotica he can pose for he finds a lower level. I won’t ever say that there is something wrong with being ghey, but the level of gheyness in rap music is now even more over the top as the phony gangsterism.

Lil’ Wang has become so ghey that he makes KANYE WEST and JOHN LEGEND appear hyper-hetero. At the end of the day I suppose it is a good thing that Wang uses condoms. Since the GARY BUSEY type dude with the wack hairpiece and the aviator shades looks like he is about to give it to Wang without any leather so soft tenderness. By the time he’s finished all that shit on the hood of the car is going to be inside Lil’ Wang’s poopchute.

Maybe instead of calling these condoms ‘Strapped’ they should be calling these joints ‘Pause’.

1 comment:

buu said...

nothing will ever wipe the mental image of wayne and birdman kissing from my mind.
not that i think about it in a sexual way or anything.