Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Revenge of the Dead Horse.

Please stop. Please stop raping my childhood. And please stop pissing all over the work of people who have taken this shit you've been churning out, and tried to make it palpable and entertaining again. You can Tartakovsky but keep his art direction, and retread what he did, but in 3D. Fucking shameless.

I'm actually anticipating the day you die so we won't have to bear you fucking up your past masterpieces by association with the crass bullshit you've been creating since the nineties.


hateflow said...

this is one of those things i wish i could erase from my memory. i wish i could un-see this image.... thanks!

buu said...

eh id be lying if i said i wasnt going to watch.

skep-tical said...

i really hope jar jar has a significant role in this